Heather L. Seymour, CPA
Job title: University controller
Email: hlhelms@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-1834
Brian D. Fowlkes, CPA
Job title: Associate controller
Email: bfowlkes2@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-8096
Sybil Fellin
Job title: Finance technology and innovation manager
Email: fellins@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-7163
Henry Winfiele
Job title: Manager of administrative services; Controller site webmaster
Email: winfielehc@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 827-1944
Monica Jackson
Job title: Director, financial services
Email: mjackson9@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-1890
Parking financial staff
Ariel T. Smith
Job title: Parking & Transportation senior accountant
Email: smithat7@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-4942
Tiffany J. Jefferson
Job title: Senior financial reporting accountant
Email: s2tjjeff@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-5479
Kathryn E. Wright
Job title: Senior financial reporting accountant
Email: wrightke3@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 827-1631
Anthony Locatelli
Job title: Sr. Accountant / Internal Control Auditor
Email: locatelliam@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-4056
Chuck Schauvliege
Job title: Financial Reporting Administrator
Email: dcschauvliege@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-2165
Grants and contracts customer service teams
Deborah Adams
Job title: Sr. Accountant, DELTA team
Email: ddadams@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-5768
Delois Alexander
Job title: Sr. Accountant, GAMMA team
Email: daalexander@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-5762
Lynn Boyd
Job title: Accounting team manager, BETA team
Email: lsboyd@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-4025
Madrenna Horn
Job title: Post Award Compliance Analyst
Email: machorn@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-8104
Crystal Monroe
Job title: Accounting team manager, DELTA team
Email: cjmonroe@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-5769
Nancy Nicholson
Job title: Accounting team manager, GAMMA team
Email: nmnicholson@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-0846
Danielle Nilson
Job title: Accountant II, ALPHA team
Email: nilsondm@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-5763
Crystal Robinson
Job title: Accountant, BETA team
Email: robinsonc24@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-4023
Charlotte Ross
Job title: Sr. Accountant, ALPHA team
Email: cross2@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 827-1624
Vanessa Scott
Job title: Accounting team manager, ALPHA team
Email: vybyrd@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-0831
Jordan McElderry
Job title: Accountant, GAMMA team
Email: mcelderryj@vcu.edu
Telephone: 804-827-0445
Cash Compliance
Shavonda Wimbish
Job title: Manager, Cash Compliance
Email: gravelysd@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-1346
David Plunkett
Job title: Cash Compliance Analyst
Email: dcplunkett@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-3256
Effort reporting
Shanea M. Raj
Job title: Manager, Effort Reporting
Email: mclaurinsm@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-5138
Robert Wilson
Job title: Effort Reporting Analyst
Email: wilsonrl2@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-0743
Michelle C. Parrish
Job title: General accounting projects
Email: mcparrish@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-0871
Stephanie A. Wood
Job title: Accountant, general accounting
Email: woodsa@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-1885
Connie T. Jefferson
Job title: Fixed assets accounting
Email: ctjeffer@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-0848
Jessica A. Burruss
Job title: Fixed assets inventory
Email: burrussja@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-0597
Fixed assets contact
Email: fixedassets@vcu.edu
Karen Lamb
Job title: Business analyst, data reporting
Email: klpearso@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-2277
Veronica B. King, CPP, PB, CFEI, Notary Public
Job title: Executive director, payroll and tax services
Email: vbking@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 827-1807
Jackie Myers
Job title: Sr. Payroll Systems Administrator
Email: jhmyers@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-4789
Chad Dupre
Job title: International Payroll Specialist
Email: duprecm@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-0740
Elizabeth Clark
Job title: Payroll Garnishment Specialist
Email: clarkea4@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-0740
Janine Craig
Job title: Government Reporting Tax Specialist
Email: jcraig4@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-0742
Tonya T. Lewis
Job title: Payroll Benefits and Systems Specialist
Email: ttlewis@vcu.edu
Telephone: (804) 828-5475
International Tax helpline
Email: intltax@vcu.edu