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University Controller's Office

Providing sound fiscal management and accounting for VCU's financial and physical assets

Banner Finance courses

Gain access to Banner Finance and discover online training opportunities.

Banner job aids

Explore Banner Finance 9 and find answers to frequently asked questions about the Banner system.


Effort Reporting

Learn about effort reporting role responsibilities and view ECRT certification schedules.


ePrint reports

Use this web distribution tool to access standard monthly Banner reports.


Fringe benefit rates

See rates for employee-associated costs such as health insurance, retirement plans and more.


Fiscal handbook

Learn about financial roles, financial structure and how to complete financial transactions.


Tax information

Find tax-related information and forms, including the sales and use tax exemption.


Year-end schedule

Follow the year‐end expenditure process to ensure all cash balances remain positive.


Tax Information
We have relocated university tax information to its own section on our website. Click "Tax Services" in our top nativation.
ARMICS Deadlines FY2023
Provost and Health Sciences ARMICS certifications are due on May 5th, 2023, and Central units are due on May 26th, 2023.
Banner Downtime Scheduled December 2022
All Banner and ODS systems will be down between December 2nd - 9th 2022; please plan ahead!
FY 2020 year-end PHAREDS entry and decentralized billing deadline moved to Monday, June 22, 2020.
Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) - Institutional Portion
COVID-19 Guidance
FY2020 Year-End Schedule Is Posted
The year-end schedule for FY2020 is now posted under Financial Reporting.
Fixed Asset policy update effective 1/17/2019
This revision changes the threshold for controllable fixed assets. It eliminates controlling of assets between $2,000 and $5,000 except for Higher Education Equipment Trust Fund (HEETF) assets, which will continue to be tracked for all assets costing $500 or more. For all moveable equipment, except HEETF equipment, only assets costing $5,000 or more are tagged and tracked.
Read the latest FA newsletter
Published monthly, the Fiscal Administrators’ News is where you can find the latest information regarding the Office of Procurement Services.
Records retention policy
It is the responsibility of the university to retain records for minimum periods of time to conform to laws as set forth by both the commonwealth of Virginia and the federal government.